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Why sometimes, the sample CKMB results greater than CK?
时间:2016-06-23   浏览:2645次

1 Detection principle:
CK includes M.B two subunits, three isozyme CK-MB CK-BB. CK-MM
The detection principle of CK-MB is: CK-BB content in the normal human body is very low, can be ignored, in addition to anti M antibody in the reagent, inhibit the activity of M subunit, through the detection of B subunit to express CKMB content. When some diseases cause CKBB to rise, it will lead to false positive CKMB
2 CKMB normal, CK high may appear in what circumstances the patient?
Hemolysis specimen, muscle injury, surgical operation, severe exercise, alcohol intoxication, muscular dystrophy;
Example: a retired teacher check CK3000U/L, but normal CK-MB and the investigation of the teacher is swimming coach, check on the day before the body had excessive movement;
3 which of several reasons may lead to CKMB > CK?
Specimen hemolysis
CK-BB elevation, giant CK cell, malignant tumor, brain disease;
O type or B type of blood cancer patients, the reason is that some cancer patients immune system disorder, some of which acts as the role of the immune globulin;
4 why some quality control CK-MB results greater than CK?
Because there are some ingredients in the quality control, the animal may be organized (Niu Nao) contains CKBB, so the results of >CK CKMB, but should not be more than 2 times the CK.